Selfreach Counselling

Counselling & Talking Therapy in South-West London

What Is Trauma-Informed Therapy and Why Does It Matter?
The concept of trauma-informed therapy has gained prominence in recent years, yet its meaning can feel elusive, even overwhelming. Many people hear the word “trauma” and instinctively think of extreme events like natural disasters or acts of violence. While those certainly fall under its umbrella, trauma is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It can refer to […]
Why Do We Repeat Relationship Patterns?
Have you ever found yourself in a seemingly familiar relationship, one that feels like déjà vu—different person, yet the same challenges, misunderstandings, or painful endings? This phenomenon, often frustrating and bewildering, is rooted in deep psychological mechanisms. Freud, in his seminal work on repetition compulsion, and subsequent psychological theorists provide valuable insights into why we […]
Attachment Trauma: Understanding Its Impact on Relationships
What is Attachment Trauma? Attachment trauma refers to disruptions in the early bonding experiences between a child and their primary caregivers. These disruptions can result from neglect, inconsistent caregiving, abuse, or the caregiver's inability to meet the child’s emotional needs. According to Attachment Theory, developed by John Bowlby and later expanded upon by Mary Ainsworth, […]
Navigating Mental Health During the Festive Season
The festive season is often described as the "most wonderful time of the year," yet for many, it can be one of the most emotionally challenging periods. The pressure to feel joyful, connect with family, and maintain endless traditions can bring up feelings of loneliness, anxiety, or even overwhelm. If you find yourself struggling with […]
Embracing Neurodiversity in Counselling and Psychoherapy
In recent years, the concepts of neurodiversity and neurodivergence have gained recognition and prominence. Neurodiversity refers to the natural variation in human brain function and behaviour, encompassing everyone, including both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals. Neurotypical refers to individuals whose neurological development and functioning align with what is commonly expected in areas such as communication, social […]
New Year, New You: How Therapy Can Help
As the new year begins, many of us feel inspired to turn over a new leaf, set fresh goals, or embrace a path of self-reflection. The phrase "New Year, New You" captures this symbolic spirit of renewal, but making meaningful and lasting changes can be challenging. As therapy offers a space to explore the reasons […]
Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Signs, Causes, and Ways to Cope
As the days grow shorter and the winter months set in, some people may notice a significant shift in their mood and energy levels. While it’s normal to feel a bit sluggish on darker days, for some, this change can be more severe, leading to what is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Let’s explore […]

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